Minnesota Beer Fights Invasive Species

Check out the article on ‘CCO’s website about Big Island Shandy, a beer brewed by Tonka Beer Company, a local microbrewery that’s giving away the proceeds to fight invasive species in Minnesota lakes.

I won’t try to lecture on invasive species because you’d have to be a hermit not to have heard of this problem before.  I’ve never owned a boat myself, but I had a friend many years ago who had a nifty little boat.  It was moored on Lake Minnetonka and I went out with him many times to cruise the lake and have a fine old time at Lord Fletcher’s On The Lake.  So, over time I became vaguely aware of the maintenance issues that boat owners face, and I’m sure it’s a much bigger chore for those who have to tow their boats to the various lakes and must now take extra care to drain the bilges, clean the hull, and all the rest.

There’s a joke about this being a painless way to support the community in here somewhere, but I’ll just end this with a simple, “Cheers!”

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